Where we fit it, so you can hit it!

Take strokes off your game!
Advanced custom golf club fitting, club making, repairs and adjustments.
Most golfers use clubs that have not been fitted to their playing characteristics and swing. Consequently, many golfers are adjusting their swing to fit their clubs. This is backwards, and can make golf a frustrating experience.
Using custom fitted clubs can help you play better by improving feel, distance and accuracy. When your clubs fit you properly, more consistency is achieved, leading to more confidence, lower scores and a better, more satisfying game.
Golfers in the Victoria, BC area are invited to call and bring your present clubs for a fitting evaluation. Frequently, game improvement can be had by adjusting your present club set.
Golfers beyond the Victoria, BC area can use the contact tab to reach us.
Don't hesitate to improve your game! Call or email today!
Telephone: 250 516-3392, email: brian@briansclubs.com
Custom club building and repairs workshop address: 630 Broadway Street, Victoria, BC. V8Z 2G4
Club fitting and assessment service: Fittings suspended until further notice. By appointment. Call Brian at 250 516-3392.
Appoinments are on the basis of when both you and Brian are available.
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Note: Brian is also a professional biologist, and operates an environmental consulting practice. For more info, click here .